Friday, March 21, 2008


In the past year I've managed a mere 25 posts here. On my old blog I had 300 odd posts over three years. I'm not sure what happened to my writing. On the blog for my dad I just updated, 212 posts there, most of them written by me, most in a three and a half week span. Maybe that is why I am currently blogged out.

Actually I don't think that anybody visits this blog anymore, so it will be a surprise for somebody when they do again.

It was really weird to update the blog for my dad again. It starts bring back emotions really quickly, at some point I need to go back and re-read it. As I noted in the post mentioned, it is almost the only remaining evidence that anything ever happened. My dad is up and running normally enough, I am the only one that is still catching up on work from last fall. I guess that blog -- both literally and symbolically -- represents what has probably been the most singularly important event in my life.


tubagirl said...

i still read. i don't check very often, but randomly enough I did today. Still, you've been a better updater than I have :-P Sometime I'm gonna try to get on and sum up the last 5 months of my life...
Anyway, it's good to hear that you're still out there and still doing okay. And I'm still thanking God for your dad's miraculous recovery. :)

Katie Addington said...

I think you probably already know, love, that I watch it... you're the top block on my iGoogle homepage! :-) Love you!